Subject : Carnatic Vocal Music
Instructor : Srilakshmi K. (Find the instructor details in the Instructor Tab)
Targeted students : Beginner and Intermediate. (Classes are customised based on the student’s experience level.)
Class type : Weekly Class(1 class/week of duration 1 hour each )
Preferred time to take the class: Weekend : 9 to 12 am IST , Weekdays: 10:30 to 12 am IST
Language : Hindi,Telegu
Fees : As Shown
Before making the payment, please book the class slot in the appointment tab. Contact us if you can’t find any class slot.
Once you have paid the fees, you will receive confirmation mail with the class login details and your unique student id.
Course Features
- Lectures 17
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 1 class/week
- Skill level All levels
- Language Hindi,Telegu
- Students 173
- Assessments Yes